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Corporate Social Responsibility

We are indissolubly linked to the community in which we operate. We influence and get influenced by the facts of our time. With respect for man, we recognize our responsibility towards society. We support the values ​​that characterize our culture, human dignity and equal opportunities.

Corporate Social Responsibility is the concept according to which businesses integrate, on a voluntary basis, social and environmental concerns related with their business activities and contacts with other interested parts, as they realize that responsible behavior leads to sustainable business success.

We support eternal social clusters & the environment


In one of the most difficult times of modern history, in the time of crisis and difficulties, the need for business to participate in social development is greater than ever.

Socially responsible companies must help, preserve and defend the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility. Everyone can contribute in their own way. The more businesses are sensitized, the better things will be for everyone.

VNG Digital Group, as a leading digital marketing company, is well aware of the leading role of the internet in the everyday life of citizens.

Thus, recognizing that our activity affects our social environment, we have developed and become members of a corporate culture that aims to operate responsibly towards sustainable development in areas such as society and environment. This is our philosophy and our commitment to a better society with equal opportunities for all.

Our action

E.M.E.I.S. was created to offer support to women with breast cancer who are uninsured and have serious financial problems.

It provides important help such as:

  • Care and support (medical, surgical, nursing, psychological) for uninsured, financially weak women with breast cancer at all levels of health care.
  • Free clinical examinations and raising of the awareness of the population regarding issues of prevention and early diagnosis, with excursions all over Greece, especially in inaccessible places.
  • Training and support of young scientists on breast issues, (training seminars, scholarships, etc.) as well as scientific research.
  • Such an undertaking is vital to our fellow human beings and needs the support of all of us in any way.

VNG Digital Group undertook the design, promotion and maintenance of the new website for E.M.E.I.S.

One click will not change the world. But it will make it a little better. With that in our mind and with our great desire to offer a project to our society that will support and help weak social groups, we implemented the Click & Donate. The first Online Greek social collective offer platform.

VNG Digital Group, within the framework of its Corporate Social Responsibility program, undertook the creation, design, construction, hosting of, as well as its support, so that it would receive great acceptance from Internet users in a short time., is the first online Greek collective social offer platform. It allows the users to choose the action and the organization they want and send a financial donation directly.

The platform presents funded charities, charitable organizations, non – profit organizations and actions that fight for man and that fight poverty, hunger, sickness, violence, social exclusion, racism and all kinds of human suffering.

In addition, it provides information and catalogs with social services, social grocery stores, pharmacies and anything else that may be useful to the people who want to offer to their fellows anything.

With absolute transparency, aims to sensitize the public and make well-known the work of even the smallest organizations that have developed an important work of great social value.

Protecting the environment and saving energy are issues that concern us all and that we must all contribute to. The actions of the State are not enough. Businesses and society need to act actively.

That’s why we adopted and we apply a business practice to minimize
the environmental impact of our operation.

We save paper. We make the most of the potential of digital communication and deliver large quantities of paper.

  • All documents are handled electronically
  • We have an electronic pricing system
  • We have established the use of electronic signature
  • We urge the recipients of our mail to keep it electronically and not to print the documents

We save energy. We are constantly looking for ways to reduce unnecessary energy consumption that damages the environment.

  • With the frequent upgrading of our computer equipment, we provide both the provision of modern technological solutions
    to our customers, as well as significant energy savings provided by new technologies.
  • We use low energy ecological lights.
  • We promote environmental actions. We take advantage of the large network with our high traffic news & information websites.
  • We have added to our news media an environmental section
  • We publish any news and action that will sensitize the reader about the environment
  • We become sponsors of communication for environmental organizations and we post in our media their announcements
  • We spread environmental news to the Social Media